Akan ada masanya, tubuh kita akan rindu dengan diam, sekedar untuk kembali segar. Mungkin diam di dalam rumah yang hanya bertembok kayu-kayu jati, bukan tembok dengan cat lux atau wallpaper mahal.
Itu masa-masa dimana salahsatu fasilitas kantor berupa member card sport centre ga kita butuhin. Karena bergerak bersama alat-alat itu ternyata kadang membuat tambah lelah. Justru pulang, ke tempat bernama rumah, adalah istirahat yang sebenarnya dan menjadi hal paling menyenangkan. Bukan hanya itu, ternyata menjadi suatu yang dibutuhkan.
Akan ada masanya, aku tidak lagi membutuhkan dua digit setiap bulan ke rekening. Tidak lagi perlu memaksa leptop untuk rodi mengejar deadline. Tidak lagi ingin selalu tampil rapi dan profesional di depan banyak kepentingan yang ada. Tidak lagi bertaruh pada waktu untuk menggapai inisial-inisial di belakang nama.
Karena suatu saat aku hanya akan butuh kalian; Lintang & Gemintang. Saat dimana aku akan memberikan seluruh waktu dan hidupku.
---kota ini, ba'da isya.
After Office Hours
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kartika diah
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"so, Ve, you're ex auditor?" Beu said. "just tell me everything, no matter how bad there.." he seriously.
"i dont knw. May anything happen before I came, I mean, I just, hmm.. No, I mean, sometimes I really dnt understand why no monthly recon specifically for taxation. Understand that too many to do by itself. I mean, just trf to the other one." Ve, then continued her potatos.
"Ve, did u knw? It's a challenge for you. If everything ok, there's no challenge and you are not learn. Agree?" may he try to support.
"exactly." simple Ve.
Beu continued him delicious steak.
"yes, Ve?"
"could you please finish your question?" Ve smile.
"ha..ha..ha.. Why? U dnt like. I knw. But u cnt stop my question"
"look guys, hw annoying he is. I will silent." Ve sullenly. "just finished ur dine and go home, it will traffic at night."
"ha..ha..ha.." Beu laugh.
---cerpen Sepenggal, lanjutan "Red Kites" - 7 years ago.
"i dont knw. May anything happen before I came, I mean, I just, hmm.. No, I mean, sometimes I really dnt understand why no monthly recon specifically for taxation. Understand that too many to do by itself. I mean, just trf to the other one." Ve, then continued her potatos.
"Ve, did u knw? It's a challenge for you. If everything ok, there's no challenge and you are not learn. Agree?" may he try to support.
"exactly." simple Ve.
Beu continued him delicious steak.
"yes, Ve?"
"could you please finish your question?" Ve smile.
"ha..ha..ha.. Why? U dnt like. I knw. But u cnt stop my question"
"look guys, hw annoying he is. I will silent." Ve sullenly. "just finished ur dine and go home, it will traffic at night."
"ha..ha..ha.." Beu laugh.
---cerpen Sepenggal, lanjutan "Red Kites" - 7 years ago.